The Journal of Phytopharmacology 2025; 14(1):36-41 DOI:10.31254/phyto.2025.14105
Dietary inclusion of Moringa oleifera leaf powder (MOLP) improves metabolic profile of early weaned LWY piglets
Jianpui Pamei1 , Hemen Das1 , M. Ayub Ali1 , Biren Kumar Das2 , Probal Jyoti Doley3 , MC Lallianchunga1 , Girin Kalita4 , Kuntal Kashyap Buragohain1
1. Department of Physiology & Biochemistry, College of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry, Central Agricultural University, Selesih- 796015, Mizoram, India
2. Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry, Central Agricultural University, Selesih- 796015, Mizoram, India
3. Department of Anatomy and Histology, College of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry, Central Agricultural University, Selesih- 796015, Mizoram, India
4. Department of Livestock Production and Management, College of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry, Central Agricultural University, Selesih- 796015, Mizoram, India
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Received: 19th December, 2024 / Accepted: 12th February, 2025 / Published : 23rd March, 2025
In recent years, natural feed additives are being considered as potential agents for improving metabolic health of animals by alleviating stress and increasing their digestive as well as absorptive capacity. The current study was aimed to assess the beneficial effects of dietary inclusion of Moringa oleifera leaf powder (MOLP) on blood metabolites of early weaned piglets. For the study, eighteen clinically healthy Large White Yorkshires (LWY) piglets weaned at 28 days were randomly grouped as Control (C), Treatment-I (T-1) and Treatment-II (T-2) with six numbers of piglets in each group. All the piglets were reared under similar management practices and routine health check-up was carried out during the study period. The control group was fed only basal feed and the T-1 and T-2 groups were fed basal feed with inclusion of MOLP @ 1% and 2%, respectively. The feeding trial was conducted for a period of 42 days. Blood sample was collected aseptically by venipuncture of anterior vencava on day 28 (i.e day of weaning), day 42, day 56 and day 70 from each piglet of all three experimental groups for estimating the major metabolic parameters. Samples were analyzed using commercially available kits in automated clinical chemistry analyzer. Findings of the study revealed that dietary inclusion of MOLP significantly improved metabolic health indices of LWY piglets during post weaning period in terms of glucose level, protein profile, lipid profile and renal function test as well as bilirubin profile. However, inclusion of 2% MOLP was more beneficial than 1% MOLP. Our study demonstrates potential health benefit of incorporating moringa leaf powder in swine feeding regimen.
Pigs, Weaning, Moringa oleifera, Plasma, Metabolites
Pamei J, Das H, Ali MA, Das BK, Doley PJ, Lallianchunga MC, et al. Dietary inclusion of Moringa oleifera leaf powder (MOLP) improves metabolic profile of early weaned LWY piglets. J Phytopharmacol 2025; 14(1):36-xx41 doi: 10.31254/phyto.2025.14105
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